Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 16, 17, 18, 19

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
I'm trying to learn to let go of the selfish people in my life-the "friends" that only call when they need a ride somewhere or someone to babysit their dogs, but aren't there through the bad parts.  I only have three people in my life that I trust 100%, which makes me sad in a's hard, too, because so much of my friendship with others was based around our sorority and partying for four years. 

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
I love to read so this is a hard one....ha, Twilight-totally changed my views about vampires!  One book I read recently was Moloka'i, about the leprosy plague in Hawaii, and the people who were sent away to leper colonies.  It follows a five year old girl who is ripped away from her mother and father and sent to a colony, where she lives the rest of her life.  I guess it's just a part of history that I never really knew about, so it really impacted me when I read it.  I've also read a lot of books on the Holocaust, and one that stands out is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  I liked how it showed the Nazi side of the Holocaust-how the officers (the boy's father) would go to work in the death camps and then come home and sit down to dinner and play with his children and help them with homework.  The son had no idea what was going on-all he knew was that a housekeeper that he loved didnt' work at their house anymore.  The ignorance on the wife's part bothers me, but I guess it was a way of surviving that time period.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
You can't help who you love.  Forty years ago it was interracial marriages, now it's gay marriages.  Twenty years from now no one will care one way or another.  Hopefully.

Day 19 → What do you think of religion?
This is a hard question for me.  I struggle a lot with the idea of God, or Heaven and Hell, or any kind of being watching over us.  I remember someone saying on some movie-there's plenty of evidence in science, but no evidence of any kind of God.  Yes, that's what faith is....but I just don't know.  I don't like the idea of a God watching as the towers fell on 3,000 people.  Or watching as Jews were gassed to death or starved to death or were shot in front of their children.  Go to a children's hospital, to the cancer wing, and then come out and tell me you still believe in God....what is he doing up there?  Why would he let so much pain and suffering happen?  If he made the world in his vision or whatever what does that say about him?  You're telling me he couldn't make humans without adding cells that mutate into cancer, or stop the birth of a child that would grow up to slam a plane into a tower, or take the idea of rape out of everyone's head, or molestation, or murder, or kidnapping, or torture, or bombings, or car accidents, or tornados or hurricanes or earthquakes or tsunami's....yes, suffering is a part of life but some things are so terrible that I can't see God sometimes.  I just can't.  I've had people tell me to just leave my problems up to God.  So, what, I'm just supposed to sit here and pray and just like that I'll have a great life with no pain inside of me and no memories of being raped?  Sorry.  That doesn't work for me.  Where was God when I was being raped?  Where was God when my sister and me were being molested?  Where was God when I was locked away?  I don't know.  I don't know if I'll ever know.

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