Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for
I've actually already gotten to this point with someone in my life, but I'll write it out just the same.
I spent at least a month treating S. like shit because I believed that she wasn't there for me in the right way, in the way I wanted. And truthfully, she really wasn't there-partly because of my shitty attitude and partly because she just couldn't handle me and my illness, the day to day sadness and pain and frustrations that come with it. I was so angry that she started to pull away that I blamed everything on her. When I lost my job I went over the past few months in my mind, and realized that I had to forgive S. for pulling away. I finally understood that she was just scared and helpless feeling, and was loving me and caring for me in her own way. So, I forgave her, and now we are closer than ever. I don't feel like I have to tell her daily that I'm sad, and we haven't fought in about two months. I love her, and she is more than my best friend, and I'm greatful that I was able to step back and see how things really were before I lost her.
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